Integrated Methodology of Study of the Oil-bearing Rock

K. P. Kazymov, A. N. Bagaev, V. M. Zhdanov


Recent development of up-to-date instrumental tools and data processing software provides a new opportunity for working out the new methods of rock composition analysis, physico-chemical characteristics study, and further integration the obtained data for making the digital models of geological objects. In the article, we describe the integrated methodology of oil-bearing rock study, which allowed combining conventional methods of study of the reservoir rock (macroscopic, optical, etc.) with up-to-date methods of electron microscopy, X-ray tomography, and thermal analysis. The authors propose the digital model of carbonate and terrigenous samples, which have the same characteristics like the natural material. The correctness of the obtained digital models was confirmed by the petrophysical study of connected porosity and permeability to gas using direct extraction. Developed models allow making the optimal reservoir model, forecasting of the reservoir stimulation methods for increasing the oil recovery.


oil and gas reservoirs; X-ray tomograph; computer modeling, porosity and permeability


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