Overview of Technologies for Development of Small and Medium-sized Deep-water Oil and Gas Fields

I. V. Velmeskin, O. E. Kochneva


At present, the oil companies, engaged in the deep water oil production, encountered the problem of unprofitability of development of small and medium-size fields. Technology, which is applied for the extraction, collection and storage of hydrocarbons in deep-water conditions, is very complicated and expensive. It is noted that projects with annual production of up to 50 thousand barrels are not able to provide even a minimal profitability. In this article, we analyzed up-to-date oil production technologies and tried to identify possible alternatives for reducing the final cost of the project, and providing minimum profitability of small deposits.


floating production systems; storage and transportation of petroleum products; production platform; riser column; tie-down system


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.27.93


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