About Characteristics of Diamonds of Perspective Areas of the Siberian Platform

N N Zinchuk, V I Koptil


As a result of carried out research and summarized materials on specific features of diamonds of the Siberian platform, conclusions were made that indications exist at all the levels of their occurrence: from diamondiferous provinces, sub-provinces, fields, diatremes, to ore columns. All the diamond varieties in kimberlite rocks forms not paragenetic, but parasteric associations based on the similarity of their coexistence in the kimberlites. Morphological criteria of kimberlite diamondiferousness according the quantitative content of rounded diamonds were formulated. Sufficient differences in diamondiferousness of kimberlites through all the explored depth of diatremes (up to 1200 m) were not revealed.


diamonds; kimberlites; Siberian platform; parasteric association, diamondiferousness criteria


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.27.41


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