Method of the Material Stress Assessment Using the Infrared Thermography
The solution of a number of geological and engineering problems require knowledge of the stress state of the structural member material. Non-destructive testing methods are used to evaluate the stress state of materials. They are based on such criteria as sound pressure, temperature, ultrasound wave’s characteristics etc., as well as methods evaluating the stress state of the material after destruction. Development of methods of this group is caused by insufficient reliability of theoretical modelling not providing in some case stability of engineering facilities in practice. To avoid the emergencies, it is important to obtain the information on the actual load (stress) at which the structure destruction occurred. These methods are especially important as a tool for experts identifying the cause of the accidents at engineering facilities. Additionally, this information will provide a correction of calculation models improving the safe exploitation of facilities. The aim of this study was to develop a method of materials stress state assessment using an infrared thermography data. Experimental studies showed that there exists a relationship between the temperature on the surface of material displacement and the normal stress affecting the area of failure. The temperature on the surface of material increases with an increase in normal stress in a fracture area. On a basis of the revealed relationship, a method of determination of the material stress state using the infrared thermography data was worked out.
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