Jaspilites of the Ingulets Field and Products of their Hypergenic Changes in Connection to the Problem of Improvement of Processing Technology of Hardly Enrichable Iron Ores

V. I. Silayev, V. P. Lyutoyev, A. B. Brik, N. A. Dudchenko, A. Yu. Lysyuk


Mineralogical, geochemical and spectroscopic characteristics of hardly enrichable ferruginous quartzites of the Krivoy Rog iron ore basin are discussed. The results of the study of mineral and chemical composition, assortment and content of microelements, and crystallochemistry of iron are considered. The results of pioneer experiments on thermo magnetization of the ore in order to create a scientific background for improving the processing technology of different iron ore and iron aluminum materials.


ferruginous quartzites; jaspilites; limonite; hematite; magnetite; goethite; microelements; Mossbauer spectroscopy


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.22.60


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