Influence of Increased Bituminosity on the Petrophysical Properties and its Relationship with Specific Lithological Types According to Results of Study of Domanik Formations

T V Pavlenko


Domanik formations have attracted the attention of petroleum geologists for long time as a potential source of oil. Advances in the production of shale gas and oil in the United States have generated attention to enriched in organic matter rock mass as sources of shale oil. To get correct evaluation of strata potential, it is important to know the lithology, bituminosity, reservoir type, the structure of porosity of Domanik sediments, and their petrophysical properties. The article presents the results of study of Domanik formations in the cross-section of the New Syryansk borehole, their lithological characteristics, identified the relationship between the content of bitumens and specific lithotypes.


Domanik formations; lithotype; limestone; dolomite; chalky clay


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