Horizontal Stress and its Influence to the Gas Reservoir Morphology, Adamtash Field, Uzbekistan

D P Pak, O E Kochneva


Determination of the fracture geometry is one of the most complicated and important problem for investigation of the reservoir morphology. The problem of detection of faults, which provide the passageways for fluids, is of importance at the deposits with complex tectonic structure. Results of analysis confirmed the feasibility of application of the horizontal stress characteristics for classification the faults on the permeability. Jointly with structural maps, it allows revealing additional information about the reservoir geometry and location of gas-water contact. Fracture geometry is very important factor for development planning and optimization of maintaining reservoir pressure.


horizontal stress; faults; borehole; fractures; electrical and acoustic scanning; microimager; complex reservoir; deposit


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.28.84


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