Geothermal Conditions of the Gas- Oil- and Water-bearing Formations of Perm-Bashkirian Arch in Perm Kray

I. N. Shestov, I. M. Tyurina, A. R. Riyanova


The temperature studying is very important for determination of the oil and gas genesis conditions, understanding the migration and transformation of the underground fluids, assessment of distribution of the thermal characteristics in the rock. On the territory of Perm-Bashkirian Arch in Perm kray, the geothermal observation of the sedimentary cover were curried out on 251 sites. The depth and lateral distribution of the geothermal conditions is discussed. Based on the comparative analysis of temperature, geothermal gradient, and geothermal step at the studied sites, the areas perspective for oil and gas exploration were revealed.


temperature; gas- oil- water bearing complexes; geothermal gradient; geothermal step


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