Analysis of Results and Prospects of Geological Remote Sensing Study for Oil and Gas Exploration in the Perm Pre-Urals Region

I. S. Kopylov


This article presents an analysis of the results of geological remote sensing studies conducted for oil and gas exploration in the Perm Pre-Urals region for past 50 years. More than 4 thousand landscape anomalies related to the sedimentary structures, local tectonic uplift, and other geological features were identified. Ranging the structures for oil and gas potential, and a description of separate tectonic regions were carried out. More than 50 thousand lineaments related to linear zones of tectonic fracturing were revealed in result of interpretation of satellite and aerial images. Set of maps of the Perm region in scale 1: 500 000, including remote sensing geological, block tectonics, and geodynamic data, and areas prospective for oil and gas were created.


oil and gas; remote sensing geological studies; satellite images; interpretation; tectonic structures; landscape anomalies; lineaments; geodynamic activity; Pre-Urals


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