On the 90th Anniversary of K. A. Gorbunova

N. G. Maksimovich, O. Yu. Meshcheryakova


The article is devoted to the 90th anniversary since the birth of K.A. Gorbunova, which is a bright representative of the world-known Perm Karst School. The information about her scientific, publishing, teaching, editorial activities is given.


K.A. Gorbunova; karst; caves; speleology; karstology


Gorbunova K.A. 1960. Tipy karsta i factory karstoobrazovaniya na primere karstovykh rayonov Permskoy oblasti [Karst types and factors of karst development on example of the karstic areas of Perm region]. Zap. Perm. otd. geogr. obshch-va USSR. 1:25-45. (in Russian)

Gorbunova K.A. 1965. Osobennosti gipsovogo karsta [Characteristics of the gypsum karst]. Perm. Perm Publ., p. 120. (in Russian)

Gorbunova K.A. 1977. Karst gipsa SSSR: uchebnoe posobie po spetskursu [Gipsum karst of USSR: Course Notes]. Perm. Perm Univ. Publ., p. 84. (in Russian)

Gorbunova K.A. 1979. Morpfologiya i gidrogeologiya gipsovogo karsta: Ucheb. posobie po kursu [Morphology and hydrogeology of gypsum karst: Course Notes]. Perm, Perm Univ. Publ., p. 95. (in Russian)

Gorbunova K.A. 1985. Karstovedenie. Voprosy tipologii i morfologii karsta: Ucheb. posobie po spetskursu [Karst studies. Problems of typology and morphology of karst: Course Notes]. Perm, Perm Univ. Publ., p. 88. (in Russian)

Gorbunova K.A. 1991. Speleologiya [Speleology]. In Gornaya entsiklopediya. Moskva, Т. 5, pp. 52-53. (in Russian)

Gorbunova K.A., Andreychuk V.N., Kostarev V.P., Maksimovich N.G. 1992. Karst i peshchery Permskoy oblasti [Karst and caves of the Perm region]. Perm, Perm Univ. Publ., p. 200. (in Russian)

Gorbunova A.K., Maksimovich N.G. 1989. Napravlennost izmeneniya zemnoy kory v oblasti razvitiya karsta [Tendency of alteration of earth’s crust in the karstic areas]. In Rol podzemnoy gidrosfery v istorii Zemli. Tez. dokl. vsesoyusn. seminara. Leningrad, pp. 80-82. (in Russian)

Gorbunova K.A., Maksimovich N.G. 1991. V mire katsta i peshcher [In the world of karst and caves]. Perm, TGU Publ., p. 120. (in Russian)

Gorbunova K.A., Maksimovich N.G., Andreychuk B.N. 1990. Tekhnogennoe vozdeystvie na geologicheskuyu sredu Permskoy oblasti [Technogenic influence on the geological environment of Perm region]. Sverdlovsk, UrO RAN USSR, p. 40. (in Russian)

Maksimovich G.A., Gorbunova K.A. 1958. Karst Permskoy oblasti [Karst of Perm region]. Perm, p. 183. (in Russian)

Maksimovich G.A., Gorbunova K.A. 1966. Zagryaznenie gruntovykh vod g. Permi [Pollution of groundwater of Perm area]. In Gigiena vodosnabzheniya. Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. Perm, pp. 89-94. (in Russian)

Maksimovich G.A., Gorbunova K.A. 1969. Ozera karstovykh rayonov [Lakes of karstic areas]. In Osnovy karstovedeniya. Perm, Т. 2, Gl. 4. pp. 253-382, 506-514. (in Russian)

Maksimovich E.G., Maksimovich N.G. 2002. Geolog-karstoved K.A. Gorbunova (1925-1996) [Geologist-karstolog K.A. Gorbunova]. Perm. Kursiv Publ., p. 240. (in Russian)

Maksimovich N.G., Gorbunova K.A. 1989. Izmenenie gidrogeologicheskikh usloviy v protsesse stroitelstva krupnogo agropromyshlennogo kompleksa [Alteration of hydrogeological conditions in the process of development of large agroindustrial complex]. Inzhenernaya geologiya. 5:61-65. (in Russian)

Gorbunova K.A., Maximovich N.G. 1991. Karst breccias – as a genetic variety of quaternary deposits. Abstracts Int. union for Quaternary research XIII Int. congress. – Beijing, China, pp. 117.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.29.93


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