Низкоуглеродистые черные сланцы Южного и некоторых районов Среднего и Северного Урала: новые данные по геохимической характеристике
Ключевые слова
Полный текст:
Geologicheskaya karta Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Masshtab 1:1 000 000 (novaya seriya). List N40(41). Obyasnitelnaya zapiska [Geological map of Russian Federation. Scale 1:1 000 000 (new series). Sheet N–40 (41). Explanatory notes.]. V.I. Kozlov Ed., 2001, Bashkirgeologiya, Ufa, p. 568. (in Russian)
Snachev A.V., Snachev V.I., Rykus M.V., Saveliev D.E., Bazhin F.R., Adrislamov E.A. 2012. Geologiya, petrogeokhimiya i rudonosnost uglerodistykh otlozheniy Yuzhnogo Urala [Geology, petrogeochemistry and ore content of the carbon-bearing deposits of the South Urals]. DizaynPress, Ufa, p. 208. (in Russian)
Gosudarstvennaya geologicheskaya karta Rossiyskoy Federatsii. 1:1 000 000. Tretye pokolenie. Uralskaya seriya. List P-40 (Severouralsk). Obyasnitelnaya zapiska [State geological map of Russian Federation. 1:1 000 000. Third generation. Urals seria. Sheet Р-40 (Severouralsk). Explanatory notes]. VSEGEI, Saint Petersburg, p. 332. (in Russian)
Zhmodik S.M., Mironov A.G., Zhmodik A.S. 2008. Zolotokontsentriruyshchie sistemy ofiolitovykh poyasov (na primere Sayano-BaykaloMuyskogo poyasa) [Gold-concentrating systems of the ophiolite’s belts (on example of the Sayan-Baikal-Muya Belt)]. Geo, Novosibirsk, p. 304. (in Russian)
Zakharov O.A., Puchkov V.N. 1994. O tektonicheskoy prirode maksyutovskogo kompleksa Uraltau [On the tectonic nature of the Maksyutovskiy complex, Uraltau]. Ufa Scientific Centre of RAS, Ufa, p. 28. (in Russian)
Кovalev S.G., Vysotskiy I.V., Puchkov V.N., Maslov A.V., Gareev E.Z. 2013. Geokhimicheskaya spetsializatsiya strukturnoveshchеstvennykh kompleksov Bashkirskogo megantiklinoriya [Geochemical characterization of structural geological complexes of Bashkirian meganticlinorium]. DizaynPress, Ufa, p. 268. (in Russian)
Maslov A.V. 2009. Bezgodovskaya svita zapadnogo sklona Srednego Urala: nekotorye geokhimicheskie kharakteristiki tonkozernistykh terrigennykh porod [Bezgodovskaya Suit of the western slope of the Middle Urals: some geochemical characteristics of finegrained terrigenous rocks]. In Ezhegodnik2008. IGG, UB of RAS, Yekaterinburg, pp. 150-153. (in Russian)
Мaslov A.V. 1988. Rifeyskie uglerodistye otlozheniya Bashkirskogo megantiklinoriya [Riphean carbonaceous deposits of the Bashkirian Mega-anticlinorium]. Lithology and Mineral resources. 3:101-109. (in Russian)
Мaslov A.V., Gareev E.Z., Krupenin M.T., Kovalev S.G. 2013. Litogeokhimicheskie osobennosti glinistykh slantsev satkinskoy svity nizhnego rifeya Bashkirskogo megantiklinoriya: novye dannye [Lithogeochemical features of the Lower Riphean Satka Suit shales of the Bashkirian Meganticlinorium: new data]. Bulletin of Perm University. Geology. 1(18):2633. (in Russian)
Мaslov A.V., Olovyanishnikov V.G., Isherskaya M.V. 2002. Rifey vostochnoy, severovostochnoy i severnoy perefirii Russkoy platformy i zapadnoy megazony Urala: litostratigrafiya, usloviya formirovaniya i tipy osadochnykh posledovatelnostey [Riphean of the eastern, north-eastern and northern periphery of the Russian Platform and the Western Urals Megazone: litostratigraphy, conditions of formation and types of sedimentary sequences]. Litosfera. 2:54-95. (in Russian)
Mironov A.G., Zhmodik S.M., Ochirov Yu.Ch., Gurskaya L.I., Popov V.D., Sapozhnikov D.Yu. 2002. Black shale formations in the SayanBaikal mountainous province: geochemistry, metallogeny, and geodynamic environments. Russian Geology and Geophysics. 43:364-381.
Petrov G.A., Aleksandrov V.A., Zubkov A.I., Maslov A.V., Ronkin Yu.L. 2015. K probleme rudonosnosti chernykh slantsev Vishersko-Kutimskogo anticlinoriya (Severnyy Ural) [To the problem of ore content of black shales of the Vishera-Kutim anticlinorium (Northern Urals)]. Bulletin of Perm University. Geology. 4(29):32-43. (in Russain) doi: 10.17072/psu.geol.29.32
Petrov G.A., Maslov A.V. 2010. Novye dannye o platinonosnosti verkhnerifeysko-vendskikh otlozheniy Tsentralno-Uralskoy megazony (Sredniy i Severnyy Ural) [New data on the platinum potential of Upper Riphean-Vendian deposits of the Central Urals Megazone (Middle and Northern Urals)]. Izvestuya vyzov. Geologiya i razvedka. 3:25-33. (in Russian)
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.16.1.48
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