Итоги работы диссертационного совета по геологическим специальностям в Пермском университете за 1993–2014 гг.
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Полный текст:
Gershanok V.A. 2001. Osnovnye etapy razvitiya geologicheskogo fakulteta [General stages of evolution of the Geological Faculty]. 70-th anniversary of Geological Faculty of the Perm University, Jubilee volume. Perm Univ., pp. 6-46. (in Russian)
Gershanok V.A., Kostitsyn V.I. 2012. O zashchite dissertatsiy po geologii v 2011 godu v sovete D 212.189.01 pri Permskom universitete [About the defense of dissertations in geology in 2011 in the Commithee D 212.189.01 of the Perm University]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya. 1 (14): 96-100. (in Russian)
Gershanok V.A., Kostitsyn V.I. 2013. O zashchite dissertatsiy po geologii v 2012 godu v sovete D 212.189.01 pri Permskom universitete [About the defense of dissertations in geology in 2012 in Committee D 212.189.01 of the Perm University]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya. 1 (18): 91-94. (in Russian)
Gershanok V.A., Kostitsyn V.I. 2014. O zashchite dissertatsiy po geologicheskim spetsialnostyam v 2013 godu v sovete D 212.189.01 pri Permskom gosudarstvennom natsionalnom issledovatelskom universitete [About the defense of dissertations in geology in 2013 in Committee D 212.189.01 of the Perm University. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya. 1 (22): 89-93. (in Russian)
Kostitsyn V.I. 2006. Dissertatsionnye sovety po geologicheskim spetsialnostyam v PGU [PSU Dissertation Committees in Geology]. In Geological Faculty of Perm Uni-versity – three quarters of a Century. Jubilee volume. Perm Univ., Perm, pp. 45-67. (in Russian)
Gershanok V.A., Kostitsyn V.I. 2011. O rabote dissertatsionnogo soveta pri Permskom gosudarstvennom universitete po geologicheskim spetsialnostyam v 2010 godu [About activity of the Dissertation Committee in geology of the Perm State University in 2010. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya. 2 (11): 96-101. (in Russian)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.26.91
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