Сектор наноминералогии ПГНИУ (2014)
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Полный текст:
Badyanova I.V., Osovetskiy B.M. 2014. Protsessy prirodnoy amalgamatsii v chernoslantsevykh tolshchakh [Processes of natural amalgamation in the black schist formations]. Sovremennye problem nauki i obrazovaniya. URL: www.science-education.ru/116-12841 . (in Russian)
Baturin E.N., Blinov S.M., Zolotaryov D.R. Menshikova E.A. et al. 2014. Osobennosti sostava snezhnogo pokrova na territorii Verkhnekamskogo mestorozhdeniya soley [Features of composition of the snow cover at the territory of the Upper Kama salt deposit]. In Led and sneg, pp. 2-5. (in Russian)
Gubin S.A., Isaeva G.A., Osovetskiy B.M. 2014. Veshchestvennyy sostav kamennougolnykh produktivnykh otlozheniy Kokuyskogo mestorozhdeniya nefti [Mineral composition of the Carboniferous productive strata of the Kokuyskoye oil deposit]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika. 9 (2). URL: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/27_2014.pdf . (in Russian)
Iblaminov R.G., Kazymov K.P., Sedunova A.P. 2014. Mineragenicheskiy analiz Permskogo kraya dlya poiskov magmaticheskikh porod, prigodnykh v proizvodstve bazaltovogo volokna [Mineragenic analysis of the Perm kray area for prospecting of the magmatic rock applicable for basalt fiber production]. Sovremennye problem nauki i obrazovaniya. URL: www.science-education.ru/119-14701 . (in Russian)
Osovetskiy B.M., Barannikov A.G. 2014. Morfologiya poverkhnosti shlikhovoy platiny rossypey Urala po dannym elektronno-mikroskopicheskikh issledovaniy [Suface morphology of the Platinum concentrate from the Urals placers according results of the electron microscope study]. Litosfera, 4: 80-99. (in Russian)
Osovetskiy B.M., Naumova O.B. 2014. Melkie almazy i ikh poiskovoe znachenie [Fine diamonds and their prospecting significance]. Perm State University, Perm, 141 p. (in Russian)
Iblaminov R.G., Kazymov K.P., Sedunova A.P. 2014. Investigation of platinum group elements of the Sarsnovsky chromite deposit. Abstr. 12th Intern. Platinum Symp. Yekaterinburg, pp. 67-68.
Osovetsky B.M., Barannikov A.G. 2014. Surface of placer platinum under the electron microscope. Abstr. 12th Intern. Platinum Symp. Yekaterinburg, pp. 309-310.
Perevozchikov B.V., Pisciotta A., Osovetsky B.M., Menshikovа E.A., Kazymov K.P. 2014. Quality evaluation of the Kuluevskaya basalt outcrop for the production of mineral fiber, Southern Urals, Russia. Science Direct. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Vienna. 6 p.
Pisciotta A., Perevozchikov B.V., Osovetsky B.M., Menshikova E.A., Kazymov K.P. 2014. Quality Assessment of Melanocratic Basalt for Mineral Fiber Product, Southern Urals, Russia. Natural Resources Reseаrch. DOI: 10.1007/s11053-014-9253-9.
Pisciotta A., Perevozchikov B.V., Osovetsky B.M., Menshikova E.A., Kazymov K.P. Quality assessment of the melanocratic basalt outcrops for the mineral fiber producing, Southern Urals, Russia. Geophysical Research Abstr. EGU2014-12637. V. 16.
Purchase M., Veksler I.V., Zhdanov V.M., Kazymov K.P. 2014. X-ray computer tomography of platiniferous stratiform chromitites in the critical zone of the Bushveld igneous complex, South Africa. Abstr. 12th Intern. Platinum Symp. Yekaterinburg, pp. 255-256.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.26.97
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