Tectonics of the Junction of the East European Platform and the Solikamsk Depression within the Pre-Urals Foredeep

G. P. Shcherbinina, G. V. Prostolupov


Comparison of the geological structure of sedimentary cover of the eastern part of the East-European Platform and the Solikamsk Depression within the Pre-Urals Foredeep Basin was carried out. It is shown that halogen and clastic formations of this basin have lower mechanical properties compared to surrounding carbonate strata. Because of the horizontal compressive stress, the asymmetric plastic body formed by these rocks experienced intensive deformations. It is shown that the tectonic influence of the Urals extends through the Solikamsk Depression to the western edge of the Pre-Urals Foredeep basin.


Pre-Urals Trough; salt stratum; gravimetry; mechanical properties; deformation


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.17.3.200


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