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Baturin E.N., Menshikova E.A., Blinov S.M., Naumov D.Yu., Belkin P.A. 2012. Problemy osvoeniya krupneyshikh kaliynykh mestorosdeniy mira [Problems of development of the largest potash world deposits]. Sovremennye problem nauki i obrazovaniya. 6. (in Russian)
Blinov S.M., Maximovich N.G. 2003. Metodicheskie osnovy primeneniya geochimicseskikh baryerov dlya okhrany okryzhayshchey sredy [Methodological basis of application of geochemical barriers for environmental protection]. In: Geografiya i okruzhayushchaya sreda. SPb, pp. 294-304. (in Russian)
Blinov S.M., Potapov S.S., Naydanova N.F. 2004. Formirovanie tekhnogennogo mestorozhdeniya tonkodispersnogo karbonata kaltsiya v predelakh shlamonakopitelya Beresnikovskogo sodovogo zavoda [Formation of technogenic deposits of finely dispersed calcium carbonate in the slurry tailings of the Berezniki Soda Plant]. In: Mineralogiya tekhnogeneza. Miass, pp.80-92. (in Russian)
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Komarov Yu.A. 2016. Obosnovanie tekhnologii skladirovaniya porod-otkhodov pri razrabotke kaliynykh mestorozdeniy [Rationale of technology of waste rocks storage during the development of potash deposits]. Dis. kand. tech. sci., SPb., p. 162. (in Russian)
Konstantinova M.S., Kalinina E.V. 2013. Issledovaniya vozmozhnosti ispolzovaniya distillernoy zhidkosty v kachestve protivogololednogo materiala [Study of possibility of using a distiller liquid as a deicing material]. Vestnik Permskogo natsionalnogo issledovatelskogo universiteta. Urbanistika. 4:134143. (in Russian)
Kudryashov S.F., Filippov L.P., Kudryashova O.S. 2005. Isychenie svoystv korodrevesnykh otkhodov s tselyu ikh dalneyshey utilizatsii [Study of properties of wood wastes for further utililization]. In: Ekologo-economicheskie problemy osvoeniya mineralno-syryevykh resursov. Institute of Natural Sciences. Perm State University. Perm, pp. 181–182. (in Russian)
Myakisheva A.V., Tashkinova I.N. 2016. Teoreticheskie osnovy otsenky otlozhennogo resursnogo potentsiala promyshlennykh obyektov na urbanizirovannykh territoriyakh [Theoretical basics of estimation of delayed resource potential of industrial facilities in urban areas]. In Modernizatsiya i nauchnye issledovaniya v transportnom komplekse. Vol.1, pp. 201-204. (in Russian)
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Blinov S.M., Khozyaykin A.I., Usoltseva, S.P., Domozhirova A.S. 2006. Metod rekultivatsii narushennykh zemel [Method of reclamation of disturbed lands]. Pat. RUS 2336684 30.11.2006. (in Russian)
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Shirinkina E.S. 2014. Minimizatsiya negativnogo vosdeystviya korodrevesnykh otkhodov tsellyulozno-bumazhnoy promyshlennosty na okruzhayushchuy sredu [Minimizing the environmental impact of bark and wood waste of pulp and paper industrial facilities]. Vestnik PNRTU. Prikladnaya ekologiya. Urbanistika. 2:108-118. (in Russian)
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.18.2.179
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