О специфике глинистых минералов в осадочных формациях
терригенных, терригенно-карбонатных, карбонатных, вулканогенных и галогенных формациях. Особенно детально охарактеризованы глинистые минералы ранних стадий седименто- и диагенеза (частично катагенеза), к которым обычно приурочено большинство древних (верхнепалеозойских и мезозойских) алмазоносных россыпей, по наличию в которых индикаторных минералов кимберлитов обычно проводятся поиски коренных месторождений алмазов с помощью шлихо-минералогического метода. На примере конкретных алмазоносных районах Сибирской платформы показана важность для решения прогнозно-поисковых задач изучения вещественного состава вулканогенной формации и особенностей распределения его материала при формировании разновозрастных коллекторов алмазов.
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Полный текст:
Afanasiev V.P., Zinchuk N.N. Main types of litodinamic tipe of kimberlite indication minerals and the conditions of their formation. Geologie rudny
mestorosdeniya. (in Russian)
Afanasiev V.P., Zinchuk N.N., Koptil V.I. Poligines of diamonds in connection nith the problem of primary placers of the north-east of the Siberian platform. (in Russian)
Afanasiev V.P., Zinchuk N.N., Lоginova A.N. Distribution features of placer diamonds associatet with the Precambrian source. Zapysky Rus. mineralogical ob-va. (in Russian)
Afanasiev V.P., Zinchuk N.N., Tichkov S.A. The problem of dokembriy diamond content of the Sibirian platform. Vestnik VGU. Geologia. (in Russian)
Vasilenko V.B., Zinchuk N.N., Kuznetsova L.G. Geodynamic control of kimberlite fields allocation of central and northern part of Yakutian kimberlite province (petrochemical aspect). Bulletin of Voronezh Un. Geol. Series. (in Russian)
Gorshkov A.I., Zinchuk N.N., Kotelnikov D.D., Shlykov V.G., Zhukhlistov A.P., Mokhov A.V., Sivtsov A.V. New ordered mixed-layer mineral lysardite-saponite from kimberlites of South Africa. Doklady RAN. (in Russian)
Gladkov A.S., Bornjakov S.A., Manakov A.V., Matrosov V.A. Tektonophisical reseaich during diamond prospecting. Tooikit. M.: Scientific world. (in Russian)
Dukardt Ju.A., Boris E.I. Avlacogenesis and kimberlite magmatism. Voronez. VGU. (in Russian)
Egorov K.N., Zinchuk N.N., Mishenin S.G., Serov V.P., Sekerin A.P., Galenko V.{., Denisenko E.P., Baryshev A.S., Мenshagin Y.V., Koshkarev D.A. Perspectives of primary and placer diamondiferousness of south-western part of the Sibirian Platform. In: Geological aspects of the mineral resource base of the Joint Stock Company “ALROSA”: current state, prospects, solution. Additional materials based on the results of the regional scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of the geological industry of AK “ALROSA” and scientific and methodological support of their solutions dedicated to the 35-th anniversary of YANIGP TsNIGRI AK “ALROSA”.(in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. About stratigraphic confinedness, diagnostics and genesis of kaolinite in Mesozoic terrigenous sediments of Malo-Botuobinsky region
(Western Yakutia). News of HEI. Geologiya i Razvedka. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. Composition and genesis of clay minerals in the Upper Paleozoic sedimentary strata of the castern side of the Tunguska syneclise. Geologiya i Geophisika. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. Features of argillaceous minerals distribution in Mesozoic diamondiferous deposits of Western Yakutia. News of HEI. Geologiya i
razvedka. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. About main sources of argillaceous minerals in Mesozoic continental diamondiferous deposits of Western Yakutia. Geologiya i Geofyzika. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. Specific features of composition and distribution of micaceous formations in kimberlite rocks of Yakutia News of HEI. Geologiya i razvedka. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. Comparative characteristics of material composition of kimberlite rocks’ crusts of weathering of the Siberian and East-European platforms. Geologiya i Geophysika. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. Influence of secondary minerals on appearance and composition of kimberlite rocks. Geologiya i Geophysika. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N., Afanasiev V.P. Genetic types and basis pafferns of diamondiferous pacer formation. News of HEI. Geologiya i Razvedka. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N., Boris E.I. Koncentration of Weathering crust vedeposition products in the Upper Peleozoic sedimentary strata of the eastern side of
the Tunguska syneclise. Geologiya i geofizika. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N., Boris Y.I., Stegnitsky Y.B. Structural-formational and mineragenic zoning of the territory of buried crusts of weathering and products of their redeposition in diamondiferous regions (on the example of Yakutian kimberlite province). Geology i geophysics. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N., Boris E.I., Yanigin Yu.T. Peculiarities of diamond mineralogene in ancient sedimentary talits by the example of the upper Paleozoic Sediments the Siberian platform. . (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N., Zinchuk M.N., Kotelnikov D.D., Shlikov V.G., Dguklistov A.P. Structural and crystalchemical transformations of layered minerals at different stages of hypergenic kimberlite changes. Izvestiya Visch. Ucheb. Saved. Geologiya i razvedka. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N., Zuev V.M., Koptil V.I., Cherny S.D. Diamond management strategy and results. Gornyy vestnik. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N.,Koptil V.I., Boris E.I., Lipaschova A.N. Typomorphic features of diamonds from kimberlite bodies of the Sibirian platform in connection
with forecasting and searching for diamond deposits. Vestnik Voronez univ. Geologia. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N., Kotelnikov D.D., Gorshkov A.I. Identification and genesis of a lysardite-saponite mixed-layer formation in kimberlites of one of the
pipes in South Africa. Litologiya i Mineraly. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N., Kotelnikov D.D., Gradusov B.P. Genesis and distribution of
kaolinite-montmorillonites in sedimentary core. Izvestiya Visch. Ucheb. Saved. Geologiya i razvedka. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N., Kotelnikov D.D., Sokolov V.N. Changes in the mineral composition and structural features of kimberlites of Yakutia during weathering. Geologiya i geophizika. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N., Savko A.D., Krainov A.V. Kimberlites in the Earth history. Proceedings of VSU geological SRI. Tutorials. Is. 68. (in Russian)
Kotelnikov D.D., Dombrovsraya Dz.V., Zinchuk N.N. Basic laws of weathering of silicate rocks of various chemical and mineralogical types. Litologiya i polesnye iskopaemye. (in Russian)
Kotelnikov D.D., Zinchuk N.N. Typomorphic phic features and paleogeographic Significance of mica minerals. Izvestiya VUZov. Geologiya i razvedka. (in Russian)
Kotelnikov D.D., Zinchuk N.N. Features of Clay minerals in sediments of various sedimentary farms. Izv. VUZov. Geologiya i razvedka. (in Russian)
Мatsuk S.S., Zinchuk N.N. Optical Spectroscopy of minerals of the upper mantle. (in Russian)
Hitrov V.G., Zinchuk N.N., Kotelnikov D.D. Application of cluster analysis for clearing out regularities of various composition rocks weathering. (in
Grachanov S.A., Zinchuk N.N., Sobolev N.V. 2015. The age of Predictable primary diamond sources in the Northeastern Sibirian Platform. Doklady Eart Sciences. 465(2):1297-1301.
Serov I.V., Garanin V.K., Zinchuk N.N., Rotman A.Ya. 2001. Mantle Sources of the kimberlite Volcanism of the Sibirian Platform. Petrology. 9(6):576-588.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.21.1.10
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