Трансформация русловых процессов в системе взаимовлияния городов на русла рек и русловых процессов на города (на примере речных долин рек Сож и Ипуть, Республика Беларусь)
Ключевые слова
Полный текст:
Blakitnaya kniga Belarusi [The Blakit Book of Belarus]. Ed. N.A. Dzіsko. Minsk, BelEN, 2011. p. 415. (in Belarussian)
Melezh T.A. 2015 Rayonirovanie territorii Gomelskoy oblasti (Respublika Belarus) po urovnyu antropogennoy nagruzki na basseyny malykh rek [Zoning of the territory of the Gomel region (Republic of Belarus) according to the level of anthropogenic load on the small rivers basins]. In: Regiony Russii – edinstvo i mnogoobrazie. Birobidzhan, December 20, 2014. Part 1. Ed. V.P. Makarenko. Birobidzhan, PSU named after. Sholom Aleichem, pp. 100-104. (in Russian)
Gosudarstvennaya skhema kompleksnoy territorialnoy organizatsii Respubliki Belarus, utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta Respubliki Belarus, 12 yanv. 2007 g., № 19 [The State scheme of the integrated territorial organization of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus, January 12, 2007, No. 19]. National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007. № 15, 1/8258.
Zorina E.F. 2010. Opasnosti proyavleniya protsessov, obuslovlennykh poverhnostnymi vodami, na urbanizirovannykh territoriyakh [The dangers of the manifestation of processes caused by surface waters in urbanized areas]. In: Eroziya pochv i ruslovye protsessy. Moskva, MSU, pp. 61-96. (in Russian)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.22.3.215
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