Электромагнитная дефектоскопия-толщинометрия многоколонных скважин методом переходных процессов
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Полный текст:
Patent 2636064 RF. Metod elektromagnitnoy defectoskopii mnogokollyh skvazhyn [Method of electromagnetic defectoscopy in multi-column wells]. Potapov A.P. No. 2016128899, declared 14.07.2016; publ. 20.11.2017.(in Russian)
Patent 2364719 RF. Metod elektromagnitnoy defectoskopii mnogokolonnykh skvazhyn [Method of electromagnetic defectoscopy in multi-column wells]. Nayanzin A.N., Potapov A.P., applicant and patent holder is ZAO NPF GITAS. - No. 2007142168.03, declared 14.11.2007; publ. 20.08.2009. Bull. No. 23. (in Russian)
Patent 2507393 RF. Metod elektromagnitnoy defectoskopii [Method of electromagnetic defectoscopy]. A.M. Aslanyan, D.A. Davydov, A.D. Arbuzov, D.Yu. Pyatnitsky. TGT Oil and Gas services, (AE) No. 2012137077/03, declared 31.08.2012; publ. 20.02.2014. Bull. No. 5. (in Russian)
Potapov A.P., Danilenko V.N., Danilenko V.V. 2016. Electromagnitnaya defectoskopiya - tolshchinometriya skvazhyn mnogokolonnykh konstruktsiy metodom perehodnykh prostessov [Technology for assessing the technical condition of casing strings with magnetic pulse flaw detectors]. Karotazhnik. AIS. 6(264):134-162. (in Russian)
Khalaj A.R. Donderici B., San M.L. Eddycurrent responses in nested pipes. US 2018/0313 A1 (Patent) 2018
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.22.3.238
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