Regularities of the Bound Water Content Variation in Kaolin Clay under High Pressure

V. V. Seredin, N. A. Medvedeva, A. V. Anyukhina, A. V. Andrianov


The mass loss of a bound water of the kaolin clay subjected to high-pressure compression was studied. Based on results of experimental studies, it was found that pressure exerts a multidirectional effect on the mass loss of bound water in clays. It was established that more significant effect on the mass loss of bound water is observed when the pressure increases to up to 125 MPa, than at higher pressures. It can be explained by the formation of the energetically active “centers” on the surface of the clay particles. It is quite difficult to establish the pressure influence on the formation of energetically active “centers” in the range from P = 150 MPa up to P = 700 MPa. The activity of the energy "centers" is controlled by the amount of roughness (Rc) of the surface of the particles. Thus, under technogenic impact on clay, its energy potential changes and, as well as its physicochemical properties, and the content of bound water.


kaolin clay; bound water; pressure; energy on the particle surface


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