Development of a Complex of Geological and Geophysical Methods for Allocation of the Water Areas

S. G. Bychkov, V. N. Kataev, I. Yu. Mityunina, Yu. I. Stepanov


In order to develop a complex of methods for studying groundwater deposits associated with zones of increased fracturing, integrated geological and geophysical exploration including high-precision gravity and self-potential survey were performed. The works were carried out at two groundwater deposits located in the administrative boundaries of the city of Kirov. In result of integrated analysis of geological and geophysical data, the areas of high-amplitude anomalies of gravitational and self-potential electric field were identified. They coincide with zones of increased density of mega-fracturing obtained on the basis of interpretation of aerospace and space images. Water abundance of the sites was confirmed by the results of hydrogeological survey.


groundwater deposits; water areas; integration; high-precision gravity exploration; EP electrical survey


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